Legal Subcommittee: 2010

Forty-ninth session (22 March-1 April 2010)


IISL/ECSL Symposium: "National space legislation - crafting legal engines for the growth of space activities"

IISL/ECSL Symposium on "National space legislation - crafting legal engines for the growth of space activities"

The Space Law Symposium on "National space legislation - crafting legal engines for the growth of space activities", sponsored by the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), was held on 22 March 2010.


Chairpersons: Tanja Masson-Zwaan, President IISL, Sergio Marchisio, President ECSL
The need for national space legislation
  The need to implement the Outer Space treaty in national law in the light of current and foreseeable space activities.
Armel Kerrest,
Faculty of Law, University of Western Brittany, France
Space legislation as enhancer of space activities and policies
Henry Hertzfeld,
Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, United States of America
Powerpoint Presentation
The elements of national space legislation
  Matching detail with practice: what are the essential elements that need to be specified in National Space Legislation?
Steven Freeland,
School of Law, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Powerpoint Presentation
Considerations on Space Liability Insurance
Philippe Montpert,
Willis InSpace, France
Powerpoint Presentation
Consequences of national space legislation
  Economic impacts of national space legislation and the establishment of fair conditions for commercial activities
Matxalen Sánchez Aranzamendi,
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), Austria
Powerpoint Presentation
Accompanying space regulations. Ensuring safe in-orbit operation and interoperability
Heike Wieland,
European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA), EU
Powerpoint Presentation
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