National Space Law 


See the collection of national space laws and regulations here

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In addition to the implementation of international instruments of space law,  states have developed national regulatory frameworks to governs the conduct of space-related activities.

States that have enacted national space legislations have taken a number of different approaches in dealing with national space activities. National space legislation can be contained in unified acts or a combination of national legal instruments. Furthermore, some States have adapted their national legal frameworks according to the specific needs and practical considerations of the range of space activities conducted and the level of involvement of non-governmental entities.

Issues which States may consider when enacting regulatory frameworks for national space activities range, for example, from the launch of objects into and their return from outer space, the operation of a launch or re-entry site and the operation and control of space objects in orbit to the design and manufacture of spacecraft, the application of space science and technology, and exploration activities and research.

National space-law making is also important in view of increasing participation of non-governmental entities in space activities, appropriate action at the national level is  needed, in particular with respect to the authorization and supervision of space activities.

The Office for Outer Space Affairs hosts a collection of national space laws and regulations. At the end of the year 2022, the Office for Outer Space Affairs launched a new platform, called Accessing Space Treaty Resources Online (ASTRO), which serves as a database of national space laws, policies, and regulations of State members of COPUOS. This database is based on submissions made by States. The texts in the ASTRO database are reproduced in the form and in the language(s) in which they were received from States, and were not formally edited and/or translated by the United Nations.

See below for recent documents relating to National Space Laws. For more documents, search the Documents Database. A schematic overview of national regulatory frameworks for space activities is also available here.


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