Virtual United Nations/Austria World Space Forum

'Space 4 Climate Action'

Organized jointly by

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs,

The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK),

The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA)

7 - 9 December 2021

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Tuesday, 7 December 2021

OPENING: Climate Action in the Decade of Action
Ms. Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
Mr. George Freeman, Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, United Kingdom
Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Mr. Matthias Petschke, Directorate-General for Defense, Industry and Space, EU
Ms. Nicole Stott, Former NASA Astronaut


Unified approach to address Climate Change: Key Role of Space Agencies
Moderator: Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, UNOOSA

ESA supporting Climate Action - Mr. Josef Aschbacher, Director General, European Space Agency

Mr. Hiroshi Yamakawa, President, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Mr. Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator 
Ms. Gay Jane Perez, Deputy Director General, Philippine Space Agency
Powering Climate Action with Space Technology, Data and People - Ms. Beth Greenway, Head of Earth Observations and Climate, UK Space Agency
Session One: Partnership, Coordination and Cooperation
Moderator: Ms. Margit Mischkulnig, Space Affairs, Austria
Value of collaboration on Earth observations for climate action - Ms. Sara Venturini, Climate Coordinator, Group on Earth Observations
Public Private Partnerships & Advancing Climate Action - Ms. Barbara Ryan, Executive Director, World Geospatial Industry Counci
Space-based observation supporting the systematic observation of the climate system - Mr. Albrecht von Bargen, Chair Joint CEOS, German Space Agency at DLR
What do countries need from satellites? - Mr. Michael Staudinger, ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
Youth Perspective on space-based Climate Action
Moderator: Ms. Miriam Egger, UN Youth Delegate Austria
Youth-Lead Space-Based Initiatives for Climate Action from SGAC - Mr. Anthony Yuen, Co-Chair, Space Generation Advisory Council, SGAC
Satellite data for connecting environments and societies and addressing climate action - Ms. Karina Berbert Bruno, GIS Analyst & Master's student, University of Campinas
Ms. Victoria Alonsoperez, Founder Chipsafer, UN Secretary General Youth Advisory Group
Ms. Roberta Ianna, Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition, Directorate for Climate Change, Energy and Air Quality

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Session Two: Space-based solutions for Climate Action - the providers perspective
Moderator: Ms. Astrid Koch, European Commission, DG - Defence Industry and Space, International relations & Communications
International Methane Emissions Observatory - Ms. Meghan Demeter, International Methane Emissions Observatory, UN Environment Programme, UNEP
Space-based solutions for Climate Action - Mr. Ochiai Osamu, Manager of Satellite Applications and Operations Center, JAXA
How observing the Earth from space supports our quest to tackle climate change - Ms. Susanne Mecklenburg, Climate Office, European Space Agency, ESA
ClimCam Project - Mr. Ayman Mahmoud, Space Imaging Team Leader, Egyptian Space Agency
Session Three: Space-based solutions for Climate Action - where are the needs and what is the user perspective
Moderator: Ms. Susanne Katzler-Fuchs, BRIMATECH Services GmbH, Bridging Markets and Technologies
UN-SPIDER Confronting hydrometeorological hazards exacerbated by climate change: Perspectives from the Disaster Management Community - Mr. Juan Carlos Villagran de Leon, Head of UN-SPIDER Bonn, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs 
Earth observations in support of the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement - Ms. Joanna Post, Intergovernmental Support and Collective Progress Division, UN Climate Change Secretariat
Space Opportunities for Climate Challenges: How space applications power green transition - Ms. Annalisa Donati, Secretary General, EURISY
GIS is the future of development - Mr. Bertrand Frot & Ms Reina Ostuka, UN Development Programme
Session  Four: Examples and successful Initiatives
Moderator: Ms. Sharafat Gadimova, Programme Officer, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Climate TRACE - Climate action starts with a clearer picture - Mr. Aaron Davitt, ClimateTrace
Towards the establishment of a global e-Biodiversity network for Sustainable Development Goals accomplishment and Ecosystem Services provision - Mr. Juan Miguel González-Aranda, LifeWatch ERIC
Certification for Regenerative Farmers - Mr. Tomaž Scavincar, Refarmo
Ms. Susmita Mohanty, Director General, Spaceport SARABHAI 

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Session Four: Examples and successful Initiatives
Moderator: Ms. Veronica Cesco, UNOOSA
Keeping an eye on Surface Water. From Space. - Mr. Andreas Salentinig, Ubicube
Global Insights for a Global Atmosphere - Mr. Michael Aspetsberger, Cloudflight
Adventures on the edge: ML in orbit, hybrid observation and digital twinning planet earth - Mr. James Parr, Trillium Technologies 
Session Five: Recommendations, innovative and new approaches
Moderator:   Mr. Markus Mooslechner, Terra Mater
Mr. Alexander Macdonald, Earth System Observatory. NASA
Global Development Assistance  - Mr. Christoph Aubrecht, Programme Coordinator, ESA
ESA-ESPI Study on Space for Climate  - Ms. Clemence Poirier & Ms. Michelle Hermes, ESPI 
Monitoring emissions from space: Rationale and way forward  - Ms. Evgeniia Drozhashchikh, Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation, Russia
Summary and Outlook
Moderator: Mr. Markus Woltran, UNOOSA
Mr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University
Ms. Henriette Spyra, Director General Innovation & Technology, Austria
Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director, UNOOSA

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