World Space Week, 4-10 October

What is World Space Week?

The United Nations General Assembly declared in 1999 that World Space Week (WSW) will be held each year from October 4-10. The dates were in recognition of the October 4, 1957 launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, thus opening the way for space exploration and the October 10, 1967 entry into force of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.

World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. World Space Week aims to:

  • Provide unique leverage in space outreach and education
  • Educate people around the world about the benefits that they receive from space
  • Encourage greater use of space for sustainable economic development
  • Demonstrate public support for space programs
  • Excite young people about science, technology, engineering, and math
  • Foster international cooperation in space outreach and education

Where and how is World Space Week celebrated?

During World Space Week, space education and outreach events are organised by space agencies, aerospace companies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs around the world. Find an event near you!

World Space Week 2022

The 2022 theme of World Space Week is "Space and Sustainability", underscoring the value of space for achieving a better future while ensuring that space activities are conducted in a sustainable manner.

In 2022, we are also celebrating the 65th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik 1 and the 55th anniversary of the entry into force of the Outer Space Treaty, making the occasion even more special.

UNOOSA Webinar Series - 5 and 10 October

As the only United Nations entity dedicated to space affairs, the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is uniquely positioned to raise awareness about space exploration and use, benefits stemming from humanity's activities in space, and sustainable use of this unique environment.

This World Space Week, UNOOSA organizes an event series aimed at advancing awareness about sustainable space exploration for a sustainable planet.

Please submit your registration for the sessions on 5 October here

Please submit your registration for the sessions on 10 October here

Draft programme

5 October - Sustainability from space: Satellites as our eyes towards a better future

Space benefiting the work of the United Nations
10 - 11:30 AM


We live in an era riddled with interconnected global crises and megatrends which are defining the course of action and progress toward a sustainable world. Climate change wreaks havoc, impacting the hardest those, who have contributed the least. Urbanization bolsters the demand for resources and carbon emissions. Inequalities are fuelling division, mistrust, and hardship.

The United Nations has played an integral part in sustainable development and continues to deliver on its promise of a better future for everyone, everywhere. As we celebrate the annual World Space Week themed 'Space and Sustainability', let us 1) Explore the value of space assets for the delivery of the UN mandates; 2) Provide an update about the latest SDG-related efforts using space assets; and 3) Discuss the space-related user-needs to take the implementation of SDGs to another level.

Using satellites to inspire change
2 - 3:30 PM


The introduction of the space age in the 1950s opened a treasure chest of opportunities, the extent of which were unforeseen when the first signals beamed from Sputnik 1 back to Earth. Today, satellites underpin the global economy, power supply chains and transportation, support climate science and action, help us address emergencies and disasters & so much more.

Solutions to the challenges we face require the involvement of all available assets and space exploration and utilization represent potent tools to drive sustainable development. Join the webinar that 1) Presents state-of-the-art space applications and services on offer; 2) Provides insights into possibilities of the future and benefits of integration of frontier technologies, and 3) Briefs on the services providers can offer to advance SDG efforts.


10 October - Sustainability in space: Responsibility today means progress tomorrow

Where do we stand and where do we go?
10 - 11:30 AM


The space industry of today could not be more different from the sector of decades past. From merely a handful of nations involved in exploring and utilizing space, the space sector has grown to a multistakeholder environment with the involvement of not only governmental entities but also the private sector, academia, and the third sector.

Making sense of the overall value and dynamics of the sector is an uneasy task, but one that has attracted the attention of many organizations. Together, we 1) Reflect on the historical development of the sector; 2) Explore the current state of affairs and future trends; 3) Debate opportunities and challenges stemming from the dynamics of today's space sector.

Utilizing the ultimate frontier responsibly
2 - 3:30 PM


The dynamics and rapid developments in the sector represent opportunities to expand access to space and leverage its potential for sustainable development. At the same time, the dawn of new missions and non-governmental entities entering domains traditionally dominated by governments translate into challenges to the scientific, technical and legal considerations.

Future progress of the space sector rests on finding the balance between regulation and expansion. How can we encourage responsible space operations while maximizing the benefits of space exploration and use? Join us as we 1) Discuss policy perspectives for making space activities more sustainable; 2) Brief on the implementation of the LTS guidelines; 3) Debate where we go now after 55 years of the Outer Space Treaty from the policy perspective.

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