United Nations Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space

Photo: ESA

Since 1962, the United Nations has maintained a Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space. Originally established as a mechanism to aid the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space in its discussions on the political, legal and technical issues concerning outer space, the evolution of international space law resulted in space object registration becoming a means of identifying which States' bear international responsibility and liability for space objects.

Following multi-year discussion among States, the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space entered into force in 1976. States and international intergovernmental organizations that agree to abide by the Convention are required to establish their own national registries and provide information on their space objects to the Secretary-General for inclusion in the United Nations Register. Responsibility for maintenance of the Register was delegated by the Secretary-General to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. As required under the treaty, UNOOSA publicly disseminates the information provided as United Nations documents, which are available through its website and through the United Nations Official Document System.

To date approximately 88% of all satellites, probes, landers, crewed spacecraft and space station flight elements launched into Earth orbit or beyond have been registered with the Secretary-General.


Registration Submissions Update (as of 18 October 2024)
Registration submissions being processed:
  • ST/SG/SER.E/840/Add.2 (Denmark)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1226 (Poland)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1225 (New Zealand)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1224 (United Kingdom)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1223 (United Kingdom)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1027/Add.1 (United Arab Emirates)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/984/Add.1 (United Kingdom)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1222 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1221 (Canada)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1220 (Indonesia)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1219 (Türkiye)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1218 (Russian Federation)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1216 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1215 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1214 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1213 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1212 (Republic of Korea)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1211 (Hungary)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/917/Add.1 (United Kingdom)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1200 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1196 (Indonesia)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1195 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1191 (Uruguay)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1190 (New Zealand)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1188 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1186 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1183 (Slovakia)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1181 (United Kingdom)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1180 (Lithuania)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1179 (USA)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1150 (Republic of Korea)
  • ST/SG/SER.E/1106 (Brazil)
Most recent submissions/notifications published:
Most recent national space object registry establishment notifications:



Registration Submissions by States and Organizations


Registration information submitted by States and international organizations are disseminated under the A/AC.105/INF/ and ST/SG/SER.E/ series documents and are made publicly available in all official languages of the United Nations.

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Space Object Registration Resources


To assist States and organisation fulfil their treaty obligations, UNOOSA provides resources on issues relating registration of space objects with the Secretary-General. UNOOSA has also developed a model registration form to facilitate registration.

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Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space

Created by UNOOSA in 2001, the Online Index of Objects is a reference tool that allows quick access to registration information for space objects and also allows States and Organisation to identify which space objects remain unregistered.

Search the Online Index


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