Satellite Development Track Tools Component
This list is work in progress. The tools listed are not endorsed by UNOOSA and are provided only for information. The tools are maintained by third parties. Each user bears sole responsibility for their use and the use of their results.
Design Development and Risk Assessment Tools
CARA Analysis Tool Suit
Conjunction Consequence Assessment is an algorithm for determining the expected amount of debris production in case of collision
Monte Carlo from TCA is a method of determining the probability of collision
Single Covariance Max Pc is a method by which the maximum possible probability of collision could be determined for a close approach event for which only one object has position uncertainty information
Two-Dimension Pc is a method used to characterize and analyze close approach events and determine resultant probabilities of collision as a result of mitigation actions
DAS The Debris Assessment Software
DRAMA Debris Risk Assessment and Mitigation Analysis
MASTER Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference
ORDEM Orbital Debris Engineering Model
RABBIT Risk Avoidance assist tool based on debris collision proBaBIliTy
Savi Satellite constellation visualizer and maker
GMAT Trajectory optimization and design system
Trajectory Browser A tool to find spacecraft trajectories to planets and small-bodies
GNU Octave Scientific programming language featuring powerful mathematics-oriented syntax with built-in 2D and 3D plotting and visualization tool
FreeCAD Computer-aided design software
LibreCAD 2D-focused Computer-aided design software
OpenSCAD Solid 3D Modelling-focused Computer-aided design softwar
Operations Tools
GNU Radio Signal processing tool to implement software-defined radios and signal-processing systems
gr-soapy A wrapper for GNU Radio
gr-satnogs Telecommunications solution, operating in UHF and S-band. Closely integrated with SatNOGS Network
gr-satellites A GNU Radio out-of-tree module encompassing a collection of telemetry decoders that supports many different Amateur satellites.
Qubik Pocketqube mission for LEOP satellite identification and tracking
LibreCube Software suite for space and earth exploration
Polaris Machine learning for exploring and analyzing telemetry data
PW-Sat2 Example of an On Board Computer (OBC)
LAR-18740-1 Low Fidelity Space Systems Analysis Tools-Solar Cell/Fuel Cell/Battery Sizing Tool
Open MCT A next-generation mission control framework for visualization of data on desktop and mobile devices
Gpredict Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application
Operational Simulator for Small Satellites A suite of tools to aid in areas such as software development, integration and test, mission operations and training, verification and validation, and software systems check-out
COSMOS Software that provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data from one or more embedded systems
Core Flight System A generic flight software architecture framework used on flagship spacecraft, human spacecraft, cubesats, and Raspberry Pi
End of Life and Deorbiting Tools
ORIUNDO On-ground RIsk estimation for UNcontrolleD re-entries tOol
Common Tools
LibreOffice Free office suite
Writer - word processor
Calc - spreadsheet
Impress - presentations
Base - database management
Ganttproject Project scheduling tool
GNUCash A double-entry bookkeeping system
Dia Mind mapping, chart, and diagram creation software
GIMP Raster graphics editor
Inkscape Vector graphics editor
KdenLIVE General purpose video editor
ffmpeg Multimedia decoder
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