Working Group A: Compatibility and Interoperability

Working Group Meeting, 19 October 2010, Turin, Italy

Online Presentations

Note: The views expressed in the presentations and papers below are those of the authors and do not reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The presentations and papers are provided solely for informational purposes.

Asia Oceania Multi-GNSS Demonstration Campaign - Status Update
Mr. Satoshi Kogure, JAXA, Japan
Powerpoint Presentation
GNSS Interoperability
Mr. Lu Xiaochun, NTSC,CAS, People's Republic of China
Powerpoint Presentation
GNSS Time Interoperability
Mr. Arkady Tyulyakov, RIRT, Russian Federation
Powerpoint Presentation
Report of the Sub-group on Organizational Models and Procedures for Multilateral Coordination of GNSS Compatibility
Mr. Takahiro Mitome, Hitachi, Japan and Mr. Fredric Bastide, European Commission
Powerpoint Presentation
GNSS Compatibility Link Budget Conventions
Mr. John Betz, MITRE Corporation, United States of America
Powerpoint Presentation
BeiDou Views on Multi-lateral Compatibility Coordination
CSNO, People's Republic of China
Powerpoint Presentation
GNSS Performance Standards
Mr. Leo Eldredge, FAA and Mr. Karl Kovach, Aerospace Corporation, United States of America
Powerpoint Presentation
Galileo's View on Compatibility: Ensuring consistency between bilateral and multilateral coordination
Mr. Fredric Bastide, European Commission
Powerpoint Presentation
MBOC Multi-constellation Interoperable Signal: Consequences on the Noise Floor
Mr. Matteo Paonni, University FAF Munich, Germany
Powerpoint Presentation
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