Scientific and Technical Subcommittee: 2006

Forty-third session (20 February-3 March 2006)

Workshop on disaster management involving communication/meteorological satellite operators

In resolution 60/99, the General Assembly endorsed the recommendation of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space that the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, at its forty-third session, consider the item on "Space-system based disaster management support" in accordance with the workplan adopted by the Subcommittee at its forty-first session and as amended at its forty-second session.

In accordance with that workplan, a workshop on disaster management involving communication and meteorological satellite operators was held on the afternoons of 23 and 24 February 2006. The afternoon of 23 February was dedicated to communication satellite operators and the afternoon of 24 February was dedicated to meteorological satellite operators. The presentations made at the workshop are available below.


  Moderator: J. O. Akinyede
  The role of communication and meteorological satellites in disaster management support: the
experience of the Indian Space Research Organisation

Mr. D. Radhakrishnan, Indian Space Research Organisation
Powerpoint Presentation
The role of communication and meteorological satellites in disaster management support: the
experience of the Indian Space Research Organisation

Mr. J. R. O'Brien, Iridium Satellite
Powerpoint Presentation
Functions of satellite networks in the communication system of EMERCOM of Russia and experience of activities in emergencies
Mr. E. Osipov, Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and the Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM), Russian Federation
Powerpoint Presentation
Instant readiness: applications of Inmarsat technology in disaster management
Mr. P. M. Larsen, Inmarsat
Powerpoint Presentation
EUMETCast: EUMETSAT's Broadcast System for Environmental Data
Mr. G. Bridge, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
Powerpoint Presentation
Chinese meteorological satellites and applications
Mr. Fang Xiang, National Satellite Meteorological Center, People's Republic of China
Powerpoint Presentation
Space-borne system for online precursors monitoring of earthquakes, and other natural and man-made disasters
Mr. Y. Ruzhin, Head of the Laboratory of Active Space Experiments Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Russian Academy of Sciences
Powerpoint Presentation
Satellite meteorology: protecting life and property around the world
Mr. G. Bridge, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
Powerpoint Presentation
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