Working Group on Systems, Signals & Services (WG-S) and Working Group on Reference Frames, Timing and Applications (WG-D)

Joint Timing Workshop, 14 June 2019, Vienna, Austria

Meeting Agenda

Online Presentations

Note: The views expressed in the presentations and papers below are those of the authors and do not reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The presentations and papers are provided solely for informational purposes.

14 June 2019
System Time Interoperability, WG-S Background and previous Discussions - Workshop Chairs
GLONASS Time and GNSS Interoperability - P. Bogdanov, A. Druzhin, T. Primakina, Russian Federation
Interoperability through accurate prediction of [GNSS time - UTC] - G. Petit and P. Tavella, Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM)
Different ways of estimating the GGTO, and their impact on the position accuracy - P. Defraigne, I. Sesia, T.T. Thai, G. Signorile, P. Tavella, Royal Observatory of Belgium
Progress on Multi-GNSS Timing Offsets: XGTO, MGET - G.Galluzzo, E.Schoenemann, D.Blonski, W.Enderle, J.Hahn, European Space Agency
The new results of GNSS Time Offsets Monitoring and the Opinion about MGET and xGTO - Haibo Yuan, Wei Guang, Jihai Zhang, China
Considerations on GNSS Timescale Offsets - Michael J. Coleman, Allison Craddock, International GNSS Service (IGS), Patrizia Tavella, GĂ©rard Petit, Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM)
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