Joint Meeting of Action Team on Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Global Navigation Satellite Systems Experts of UN/USA Regional Workshops and International Meeting 2001-2002

8-12 December 2003, Vienna, Austria


At the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, known as UNISPACE III, the participating States stressed the social and economic benefits of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Benefits of GNSS applications are growing in such areas as aviation, maritime and land transportation, mapping and surveying, agriculture, power and telecommunications networks, and disaster warning and emergency response, to name a few. Particularly for developing countries, GNSS applications offer cost-effective solutions to pursue economic growth without compromising the present and future needs to preserve the environment, thus promoting sustainable development.

In 2001, the Office for Outer Space Affairs, within the framework of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, began to organize a series of regional workshops focusing on capacity building in the use of GNSS in various areas of applications that support sustainable development. In 2001-2002, with the sponsorship and technical support by the Government of the United States of America, the Office organized the following meetings on GNSS. The European Space Agency (ESA) co-sponsored the last three of them.

i) First UN/USA Workshop on the Use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, for the benefit of countries in Asia and the Pacific (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-24 August 2001);

ii) Second UN/USA Regional Workshop on the Use and Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, for the benefit of countries in Eastern Europe (Vienna, Austria, 26-30 November 2001);

iii) Third UN/USA Regional Workshop on the Use and Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, for the benefit of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, Chile, 1-5 April 2002);

iv) Fourth UN/USA Workshop on the Use of Global Satellite Navigation Systems, for the benefit of countries in Africa (Lusaka, Zambia, 15-19 July 2002);

v) International Expert Meeting on the Use and Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (Vienna, Austria, 11-15 November 2002).

On the basis of results of these workshops and additional suggestions made by the participants from developing countries through a survey, the International Meeting of Experts on GNSS (Vienna, November 2002) considered further actions to expand the use and applications of GNSS and their benefits to the society. The results of the Meeting included proposals for pilot projects with GNSS applications in surveying and mapping, civil aviation, environment and pollution control, as well as management of natural resources and agriculture. The Meeting also recommended follow-up actions in cross-cutting areas such as establishing institutional framework for use and applications of GNSS, awareness increase, as well as training and education. Some of these follow-up actions are currently being implemented by the participating institutions.

The results of the series of regional workshops and the International Meeting of Experts also contributed to the work of the Action Team on GNSS, which is one of the 12 action teams established by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) to implement priority recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III). Under the leadership of the United States and Italy, the Action Team currently consists of more than 30 countries and a dozen international organizations.

The work of the Action Team included a comprehensive review of the existing and planned GNSS and augmentations, their use and applications, as well as activities carried out by various entities to promote GNSS. The Action Team also examined the requirements of developing countries, gaps in meeting those requirements as well as existing training opportunities in the fields of GNSS. Based on the examination of those issues, the Action Team is currently in the process of identifying institutional models of international cooperation and coordination that could be applied to GNSS and developing recommendations, taking into account some of the recommendations of the International Meeting of Experts in November 2002. The final report of the Action Team with recommendations for further actions by Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental entities will be submitted to the General Assembly through the COPUOS in time for the review by the Assembly in 2004 of the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations of UNISPACE III, known as UNISPACE III+5 review.

The Action Team on GNSS is one of the leading action teams that have made fast progress toward the implementation of the recommendations of UNISPACE III. The work of this Action Team could serve as a model for how the United Nations could undertake follow-up actions of global conferences to yield tangible results within a fixed time frame.

Online Documents

Online Presentations

Note: The views expressed in the presentations and papers below are those of the authors and do not reflect the policies or views of the United Nations or the Office for Outer Space Affairs. The presentations and papers are provided solely for informational purposes.

Monday, 8 December 2003
  Welcome Statement
Dr. Sergio Camacho, Director, Office for Outer Space Affairs
PDF document
Objectives and goals
  Action Team on Global Navigation Satellite Systems: status of work and recommendations for UNISPACE III+5 review by the United Nations General Assembly
Mr. Ken Hodgkins, Deputy Director, Office of Space and Advanced Technology, United States Department of State, United States, and co-chair of the Action Team on GNSS
Powerpoint Presentation
  Objectives of the International Workshop: plan of work of the Office for Outer Space Affairs in supporting GNSS activities
Dr. Hans Haubold, Officer-in-Charge, Space Applications Section and
Ms. Takemi Chiku, Chief, Committee Services and Research Section, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Powerpoint Presentation 1

Powerpoint Presentation 2
Latest development with GNSS service providers
Briefings on new and major developments
Chairperson: Ms. T. Chiku (UN/OOSA)
  Latest developments with Global Positioning System (GPS)
Mr. Hank Skalski, Civil GPS Liaison, Air Force Space Command, Office of the Secretary, United State Department of Transportation
Powerpoint Presentation
  Developments of the Glonass system and Glonass Service Interface
Dr. Sergey Revnivykh, Director, Satellite Navigation Department, Mission Control Center, Russian Aviation and Space Agency
Powerpoint Presentation (12.5 MB)
  Status of EGNOS and GALILEO Projects and application developments
Mr. Rafael Lucas, Navigation Applications and User Services Office, European Space Agency
Powerpoint Presentation (6.5 MB)
  Latest developments with GPS And Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) and Indian interest in Galileo
Dr. S. Kibe, Programme Director, SATNAV, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Powerpoint Presentation
  Status of Japanese GNSS augmentations
Mr. Kota Tanabe, Special Adviser, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna
Powerpoint Presentation
  Latest news on the GPS-Galileo negotiations
Mr. Ken Hodgkins, Deputy Director, Office of Space and Advanced Technology, United States Department of State, United States
Presentation not available
Follow-up actions and initiatives to the UN/USA Regional Workshops and the International Meeting of Experts on the Use and Applications of GNSS, 2001-2002: Results of the survey
Chairperson: Dr. H. Haubold (UN/OOSA)
  GNSS applications to surveying, mapping and Earth science
Dr. Istv�n Fejes (Head of Department, F�MI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Hungary)
Powerpoint Presentation
PDF document
  GNSS applications to the agriculture and management of natural resources
Prof. Carlos Vettorazzi, Department of Rural Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
PDF document
  GNSS applications to the management of environment and natural disasters
Dr. William Nyakwada, Acting Deputy Director, Kenya Meteorological Department
Powerpoint Presentation

PDF document
  GNSS applications to transportation
Mr. Timasaniyu Ahmed-Rufai, National Space Research and Development Agency, Nigeria
Powerpoint Presentation

PDF document
  GNSS education, training and implementation
Prof. Fernando Walter, Head of Telecommunication Group, Department of Telecommunications, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
PDF document
Organization of work
Co-chairpersons: Dr. S. Camacho and Ms. T. Chiku (UN/OOSA)
  Briefing on the work to be accomplished by the working groups: Guidelines for Working Groups PDF document
  Establishment of working groups: Working Group Member List-Rev PDF document
Tuesday, 9 December 2003
Plenary session Regional initiatives on the use and applications of GNSS in developing countries following the UN/USA Regional Workshops and the International Meeting of Experts on GNSS, 2001-2002
Chairperson: Dr. S. Camacho (UN/OOSA)
  Windhoek Declaration: cooperation among African countries in the development and implementation of AFREF project in support of NEPAD projects
Dr. Martins Chodota, Senior Surveyor, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), Kenya
PDF document
  SIRGAS project: developing a network among Latin American countries and link with EUPOS
Mr. William Martínez-Díaz, Instituto Geográfico Agustin Codazzi, Colombia
Powerpoint Presentation (900kB)
  Progress achieved in the preparation for EUPOS
Dr. G. Milev and Dr. K. Vassileva, Central Laboratory of Geodesy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Powerpoint Presentation

PDF document
  Initiative to establish regional GNSS coordination groups
Mr. T. Hl�sny, University of Matej Bel, Slovak Republic, and
Prof. Frantisek Vejrazka, Head of Department of Radio Engineering, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Powerpoint Presentation
Wednesday, 10 December 2003
Coordination of GNSS activities at the national level
Chairperson: Ms. T. Chiku (UN/OOSA)
  Policy and activities of the Australian GNSS Coordination Committee
Mr. Matt Higgins, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government, Australia
Powerpoint Presentations
  Efforts to establish Slovak national infrastructure for the use of GNSS
Mr. Matej Klobusiak and Ms. K. Laitmannova, Institute for Geodesy and Cartography, Slovak Republic
Powerpoint Presentations
  GNSS Implementation, Plan and Projects in Colombia
Mr. José Riveros, Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronáutica Civil, Colombia
Powerpoint Presentations
  Development of a national GNSS policy and institutional support in Hungary
Dr. El�d Both, Director, Hugarian Space Office
Powerpoint Presentations
  Nigerian initiative for the benefit of Africa: project to develop a navigation payload for SBAS on a proposed Nigeria communication satellite
Mr. Timasaniyu Ahmed-Rufai, National Space Research and Development Agency, Nigeria
Powerpoint Presentations
  Promoting the use of satellite navigation through applications: Italian initiatives
Dr. Mario Caporale, Director, Satellite Navigation Unit, Italian Space Agency, Italy
Powerpoint Presentations
  GNSS/Galileo work in Poland
Dr. J. Zielinski, Head, Department of Planetary Geodesy, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
Powerpoint Presentations
  GNSS implementation programme in Romania: applications of current systems and development towards Galileo
Dr. Alexandru Badea, Director of Space Applications, Romanian Space Agency
Powerpoint Presentations
Plenary session: special presentations
  Latest developments with Galileo: expanding partnerships
Mr. Eero Ailio, Directorate E - Inland Transport, Directorate-General - Energy and Transport, European Commission
Powerpoint Presentations
  Outcome of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 (WRC-03) and its first Consultation Meeting: benefits for all GNSS systems
Mr. Attila Matas, Space Services Department, International Telecommunication Union
Powerpoint Presentations
  Supporting international collaboration for the progress of surveying in all fields and applications
Mr. Matt Higgins, Chair, Commission 5 Positioning and Measurement, F�d�ration Internationale des G�om�tres (FIG)
Powerpoint Presentations
  Providing services to support global reference frames: IAG position on GNSS
Dr. Gerhard Beutler, President, International Association of Geodesy
Powerpoint Presentations
Thursday, 11 December 2003
Joint meeting of the Action Team on GNSS and experts involved in the follow-up to UN/USA Regional Workshops and International Expert Meeting on GNSS
Co-chairpersons: Mr. K. Hodgkins (United States of America)
Mr. M. Caporale (Italy
  1. Introduction: status of work and work to be accomplished at this meeting ------

2. Finalization of the report and recommendations of the Action Team to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: full report and summary version

Full Report

Summary Report
  3. Discussions on the preparation of a revised template Revised Template
  4. Discussions on the draft terms of reference of an International Committee on GNSS (ICG) Draft Terms of Reference
Friday, 12 December 2003
Plenary session: conclusion of the Workshop
Co-chairpersons: Dr. S. Camacho and Ms. T. Chiku (UN/OOSA)
Report by the chairmen of the working groups on the plan of action for GNSS follow-up initiatives in 2004-2005
  Working Group on Surveying, Mapping and Earth Sciences
Dr. Istv�n Fejes, Head of Department, F�MI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Hungary
Working Group on Management of Environment and Natural Disasters
Dr. William Nyakwada, Acting Deputy Director, Kenya Meteorological Department
PDF Document

Powerpoint Presentation
Working Group on Agriculture and Management of Natural Resources
Prof. Carlos Vettorazzi, Department of Rural Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Working Group on Transportation
Mr. José Riveros, Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronautica Civil, Colombia
Final Report
Working Group on Training, Education and Awareness Increase
Prof. Fernando Walter, Head of Telecommunication Group, Department of Telecommunications, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Final Report

Final Presenatation
  Adoption of the conclusion of the Workshop: Summary of the Workshop Summary of the Workshop
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