UN/Austria Symposium 2022 | Space for climate action training

Training on the Copernicus Climate Change and
Atmosphere Monitoring Services


Training provider: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Description: This course shall introduce the Copernicus Climate Change (C3S) and Atmosphere Monitoring (CAMS) Services and provide a practical demonstration on how to access and process free data from both services. C3S provides authoritative information about the past, present and future climate, as well as tools to enable climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies by policy makers and businesses. CAMS provides consistent and quality-controlled information related to air pollution and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, everywhere in the world. Both C3S and CAMS are operational services of the Copernicus Programme and all data and information products are freely available.

Format: The course is structured as follows:

[5 mins] Introduction to C3S
[5 mins] Introduction to CAMS
[30 mins] Live demonstration of data access through the Climate (CDS) and Atmosphere (ADS) Data Stores, and basic processing using Jupyter notebooks.
[20 mins] Q&A

Date and time: Tuesday, 20 September 2022, 12:00 - 13:00 UTC (14:00 - 15:00 CEST)

Requirements: Participants are required to register with the Climate Data Store (CDS) and Atmosphere Data Store (ADS) before the start of the training. Once registered, participants may download data from the CDS/ADS either through the web interface, or programmatically using the API. No software is required.

Click here to register with the CDS.

Click here to register with the ADS.

Click here to obtain a CDS API Key. 

Click here to obtain a ADS API Key. 

Prerequisites: Undergraduate-level knowledge of science and basic knowledge of Python is desirable but not mandatory.

Target audience: Students and young professionals interested to learn about climate and atmosphere data, and to acquire basic data processing skills.

Language: English.

Registration: Registration closed on 19 September 2022, 23:59 CEST.

Certification: Participants who attend the full webinar will be presented with a certificate of participation.

Resource: Video recording of the webinar is available on the UNOOSA YouTube channel via this link.

Contact: For additional information, please contact  unoosa-events@un.org

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