UN/Austria Symposium 2022 | Space for climate action training

Introduction to Earth Observation data analysis using openEO Platform


Training providers: Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC) and Deltares

Description: This openEO Platform course will introduce the working principles of Earth Observation (EO) analysis in openEO, a hands-on training on openEO Platform and a demonstration of how to implement a workflow using openEO. In the morning session, a full overview of how to sign up and log in using EGI Check-in will be provided as well as how to process EO data with the available openEO Platform web-interfaces. In the afternoon session, one of C-SCALE's use cases will be presented as a representative example of how to integrate openEO in a project. In an interactive approach, the workflow will be demonstrated in a Jupyter Notebook and the participants will be challenged to reproduce the use case results. Furthermore, the participants will have the chance to learn about the funding opportunities within openEO Platform and C-SCALE and gain insight into active and helpful user community.

Date and time: Tuesday 27 September 2022, 07:00 - 14:00 UTC (09:00 - 16:00 CEST)

Target audience: This course is suitable for EO students, scientists and in general enthusiasts.  

Prerequisites: Prior experience with EO data analysis is desirable and knowledge of the Python language and Jupyter Notebooks are advantageous.

Language: English.

Registration: Please click here to register. There is no limit on the number of participants viewing the webinar and registration is open until Monday, 26 September 2022, 23:59 CEST. Hands-on participation on the open EO Platform in the afternoon session is limited to 20 persons and registration closed on Monday, 19 September 2022. Participants will be selected based on information provided in the registration form. Selected participants will be notified by Friday, 23 September 2022 via email.

Bonus: Participants have continued access to the openEO Platform after the training by signing up for a 30-day  free trial or joining as an Early Adopter. The Early Adopter access will end in December 2022.

Resources: The presentation slides are available for download here:  Part 1 and Part 2.

Further information: To learn more about openEO, please visit the openEO and C-SCALE websites.

Contact: For additional information, please contact  unoosa-events@un.org


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