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Fourth Space4Water Stakeholder Meeting

co-organised by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
an the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW)

23-24 October 2024, online
This event is restricted to Space4Water stakeholders, featured professionals, young professionals and representatives of Indigenous communities featured on the portal.
Registration for speakers is open until 15 September 2024. Registration for participants is open until 6 October 2024.


At the fourth Space4Water Stakeholder Meeting the community has an opportunity to meet and exchange. The objectives for the meeting include:

  • Fostering knowledge exchange between Space4Water stakeholders, professionals, young professionals, and Indigenous voices;
  • Presentations of country cases
  • Co-developing space-based solutions for water-related challenges; and
  • Identifying and addressing other ways to improve Space4Water community interaction and achiving shared objectives.

Dates and location

The workshop will take place online on 23-24 October 2024. Accepted participants will receive an email notification from the meeting organisers.

15 September 2024: Application deadline for those submitting a country case or water-related challenge to be addressed, or a draft solution to be presented and further refined during the meeting.
6 October 2024:
Deadline for self-funded applicants with no technical presentation during the meeting.


Preliminary Agenda

23 October 2024 13:00 - 17:00
13:00 Opening session Opening remarks:
- Driss El Hadani, Deputy Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
- Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water
- Nina Kickinger, Space4Water project lead, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
13:30 Introduction of participants (2-3 min each)  
14:40 European Space Agency - Space Solutions Ana Raposo, European Space Agency (ESA)
15:00 Break  
15:15 Space4Water Country Case Study - Brazil Alexandre de Amorim Teixeira, Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA) Brazil
15:45 Space4Water Country Case Study - The Gambia Momodou Senghore, National Early Warning and Response Mechanism Coordinating Centre (NCCRM), The Gambia
16:15 Capacity building for Indigenous communities in Costa Rica Freddy Soria, Water, Energy and Sustainability Research Center, Catholic University of Bolivia and Karla Gonzalez Maroto, Topographer and Indigenous Voice
16:35 The Hydrography90m dataset: Present offering and future scope Tushar Sethi, Margosa Environmental Solutions
16:45 Space4Water community session - status quo and future steps Nina Kickinger, UNOOSA


24 October 2024 13:00 - 17:00
13:00 Presentation on identification of optimum sites rainwater harvesting with applications in Ghana, Samburu county ( link to challenge description ID 35) and North Madagascar ( link to challenge description ID 60)

Benjamin Dekongmen 1, Eric Mensah Mortey 1, Khalid Mahmood 2

1: University of Energy and Natural Resources Sunyani, Ghana

2: Department of Space Science, University of Punjab

13:30 Water-related challenges and space-based solutions (hands on)  
  Sea-level rise and sinking of the Nile delta (ID 63) Sherine El Baradei, German University in Cairo
  Hydrocarbon contamination of water bodies in the Niger Delta (ID 62) Hawa Abdulai, National Space Research and Development Agency, Nigeria
  Disappearing wetlands in North and Central Nigeria (ID 64) Hawa Abdulai, National Space Research and Development Agency, Nigeria
  Water security: A tracking and quantifying methodology for monitoring water resources in a water scarce region (ID 65) Aysha Aljawder, National Space Science Agency, Bahrain
  Satellite-based monitoring of drought and water stress across arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa (ID 61) Samuel Akande, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria
  Lack of continuous qualitative and quantitative groundwater data in the Congo Basin (ID 66) Benjamin Kitambo, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
14:15 Hands on sessions to co-design space-based solutions for the above challenges Breakout rooms! Be on time
16:00 Presentations of co-designed space-based solutions Rapporteurs of each group
16:50 Closing remarks UNOOSA


To be considered for participation, Space4Water stakeholders and featured professionals, young professionals and Indigenous voices can register here. Registration will open on 9 August.

If your organisation is not yet a Space4Water stakeholder, but active in using space-based technology or data for water (resource) management, hydrology or ecosystem preservation please apply to become a stakeholder first (no later than 1 September), by filling this form.

If you are a young professional using space-based technology or data for water-related issues and are not yet part of our young professionals, fill in this form (no later than 1 September).

Note: applying as a stakeholder or young professional, does not mean you applied for attending at the meeting. You need to do both to be considered for participation.


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