Selected Examples of National Laws Governing Space Activities: Chile





Republic of Chile
Ministry of National Defence
Office of the Under-Secretary of Aviation
Published in Official Gazette
No. 37039 of 17 August 2001




Establishment of a Presidential Advisory Committee known as the Chilean Space Agency


Supreme Decree No. 338

Santiago, 17 July 2001


On this date, His Excellency decreed the following:


Having regard to:


The provisions of article 24 and article 32, paragraph 8, of the Political Constitution of the Republic,




1. The expediency of developing and increasing knowledge in the field of space sciences and the appreciable benefit to be derived from the application of space technology to various areas of national activity;


2. The firm intention of the Government of Chile to accord the highest priority to the development of space policy and its applications to the country�s economic and social development;


3. The conclusion of the work entrusted to the Outer Space Committee of the Ministry of National Defence pursuant to Supreme Decree No. 1068 of 1980 and Supreme Decree No. 160 of 1995, both issued by the aforementioned Ministry;


4. The need to have our country�s views reflected in international space organizations and to obtain the benefits of international cooperation in the field of outer space;


5. The desire of the Government of Chile to demonstrate to the international community that it advocates the use of outer space for peaceful purposes and, in this regards, wishes to adopt a consistent approach that reflects our country�s position;


6. The need to involve the various sectors interested in space development, be they governmental, civil, military, academic or economic, in the discussion and elaboration of national policies, projects, programmes and other initiatives for this purpose;


7. The urgent need for one institution to represent all of the aforementioned sectors which, with the participation and consideration of all relevant interests, will cooperate with the President of the Republic in this field and serve as coordinating centre for the various administrative organizations working in this field.




Article 1 . A Presidential Advisory Committee known as the Chilean Space Agency shall be established to provide advice in all matters concerning the identification, formulation and implementation of policies, plans, programmes, measures and other activities relating to space, and to serve as coordinating centre government organizations involved in this field.


Article 2 . In order to perform its function of advising the President of the Republic in such matters, the Committee shall in particular:

(a) Propose the national space policy and the measures, plans and programmes required for its execution or implementation;


(b) Serve as coordinating centre for the application of the national space policy and the implementation of the relevant programmes, plans and measures;


(c) Serve as coordinating centre for government organizations involved in space activities at the national and international levels;


(d) Advise the President of the Republic with a view to ensuring that Chile's foreign policy in the field of outer space affairs reflects national space policy and, to this end, foster coordination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the other ministries and bodies represented in the Chilean Space Agency and make the appropriate recommendations;


(e) Promote and propose the conclusion of international agreements with a view to gaining access to and channelling international scientific, technological and economic cooperation in the field of space activities;


(f) Promote and propose the conclusion of agreements or other instruments which encourage public and private investment in space development;


(g) Propose criteria for allocating national resources, or resources obtained in the context of international cooperation, for space development;


(h) Provide advice on the formulation of national plans and programmes to study, develop and utilize the full potential of space technology;


(i) Propose campaigns to promote space activities and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, encouraging scientific, technological and academic interaction and the teaching and study of, and dissemination of information on, space activities;


(j) Maintain systematic and updated information on space activities taking place at the national and international levels;


(k) Identify and propose tools and resources offered by space technology in the fields of environmental protection or conservation and control of international drug trafficking, providing assistance in these fields to the National Environment Commission and the National Drug Control Commission;


(l) Study national legislation on outer space affairs and propose relevant improvements or reforms at the institutional and operational level. In particular, the Committee should draft and put forward a bill on the establishment of a standing institutional framework for the development of space activities.


Article 3 . The Agency shall be composed of the following members:


(a) Under-Secretary of Aviation, who shall service as Chairman;


(b) Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs;


(c) Under-Secretary-General of the Presidency;


(d) Under-Secretary of Education;


(e) Under-Secretary of Telecommunications;


(f) Chairman of the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, who shall serve as Executive Secretary;


(g) Director of Space Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;


(h) Chief of Staff of National Defence;


(i) A representative of the Chilean Air Force;


(j) Executive Secretary of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities;


(k) Two scientists with experience in space science and technology, appointed by the Academy of Sciences;


(l) Two representatives of the business world, appointed by the Confederation of Industry and Commerce.


Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Committee may invite other government officials and representatives of the private sector to participate if it deems that such participation would be advantageous to its work.


Article 4 . The Chilean Space Agency shall be managed by its Chairman, who shall have the competence required to carry out the Committee's tasks.


The Agency shall also have an Executive Secretary, who shall assist the Chairman of the Committee in his work, carry out the tasks delegated to him by the Chairman and serve as coordinator between the Agency and government bodies.


The Chairman of the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research shall serve as Executive Secretary of the Agency.


A technical advisory committee composed of five members appointed with the agreement of the Agency shall assist the latter in its work.


Article 5 . Although the Chilean Space Agency, as the advisory body to the President of the Republic, shall be attached directly to his office, the technical and administrative support required for the Agency's operation shall be provided by the Ministry of National Defence through the Office of the Under-Secretary of Aviation.


Article 6 . The members of the Agency and its technical advisory committee shall perform their functions without remuneration.


Article 7 . The Agency shall establish its rules of procedure at its founding meeting and shall, at the same time appoint alternates for each of its members.


Article 8 . The Agency shall periodically inform the President of the Republic of the progress of its work and shall also submit relevant proposals.


Article 9 . Government bodies and officials shall, within the scope of their respective competence and authority, provide the assistance required by the Agency to carry out its mandate.


Article 10 . Supreme Decree No. 1068 of 1980 and Supreme Decree No. 160 of 1995, both issued by the Ministry of National Defence, are repealed.



To be recorded, promulgated and published.


[ Signed] Ricardo Lagos Escobar

President of the Republic


[ Signed] Mario Fernández Baeza

Minister of National Defence


[ Signed] María Soledad Alvear Valenzuela

Minister for Foreign Affairs


[ Signed] Alvaro García Hurtado

Minister Secretary-General of the Presidency


[ Signed] Alejandra Krauss Valle

Minister of Planning and Cooperation


[ Signed] Mariana Aylwin Oyarzún

Minister of Education


[ Signed] Carlos Cruz Lorenzen

Minister of Transport and Telecommunications


Transcribed for their information.





3 copies: Office of the Controller-General of the Republic

4 copies: Ministry of National Defence (Office of the Under-Secretary of Aviation)

1 copy: Official Gazette (08)





[ Signed] Nelson Hadad Heresy

Under-Secretary of Aviation

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