Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities: 2006, Twenty-sixth session

(18 - 20 January 2006)

The twenty-sixth session of the Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities was held at the Headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in Paris, France, from 18 to 20 January 2006.

Reports approved at the meeting

A/AC.105/858 & 859


Available online resources

Notification of the Twenty-fifth session (MSWord document)

Guidelines for Preparing Submissions for the Report on the Coordination of Space-related Activities and the Report on New and Emerging Initiatives and Applications for Space-related Inter-Agency Cooperation (MSWord document)

IAM 2006 CRPs


Open Informal Session, 20 January 2006

Presentations at the informal session

Inter-Agency Web Discussion Board [ External Link]

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