Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities: 2008, Twenty-eighth session

(16 - 18 January 2008)

The twenty-eighth session of the Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities was hosted by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) in Geneva from 16 to 18 January 2008.

Reports adopted at the meeting

A/AC.105/909 & 910


Available online resources

IAM 2008 CRPs


Presentations made at the session

Item 4a: Current and future plans of common interest, including consideration of how the activities of organizations of the United Nations system in the area of space science and technology and its applications relate to their mandated programmes;

Table of participants in outer space activities and matrix of outer space programmes (in line with A/AC.105/909, para. 9)


Open Informal Session (18 January 2008)

Inter-Agency Web Discussion Board [ External Link]

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