My Planet from Space: Fragility and Beauty - Closing ceremony

Following its hugely successful display at the United Nations General Assembly building, the "My Planet from Space: Fragility and Beauty" will close on 8 September. The exhibition of spectacular images from space was viewed by visitors from all over the globe who marvelled at the use of artisitic imagery taken from satellites which all depict the devastating effects of climate change on our planet.

Coordinated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and realised in close partnership with UNOOSA, the exhibition, through satellite images and videos, raised awareness of the need for more environmentally responsible lifestyle choices, promoted the sustainable use of natural resources and highlighted the great potential of innovative space technology for sustainable development.

UNOOSA and ESA are jointly hosting a closing ceremony on 8 September, with remarks to be delivered by the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

Mr. Volker Liebig, Director of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA, and Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, UNOOSA Director will also make speeches at the event, moderated by Ms. Cristina Gallach, Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information.

All UNHQ grounds pass holders are welcome to attend.

Further information

Press kit

Read more at ESA's dedicated webpage

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