Twelfth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), Kyoto, Japan, 3 - 7 December 2017

Available online resources

  • Meeting Agenda
  • ICG Meetings web-page
  • Nineteenth Meeting of the Providers' Forum , 2 and 6 December 2017, Kyoto, Japan
  • Working Groups web-page

Online Presentations

Note: The views expressed in the presentations and papers below are those of the authors and do not reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The presentations and papers are provided solely for informational purposes.

Providers System and Service Updates
Status Update on the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) - Go TAKIZAWA, QZSS Strategy Office, national Space Policy Secretariat, Japan
Global Positioning System (GPS) Programme and Advisory Board Update - Harold MARTIN, National Coordination Office for Space Based Positioning Navigation and Timing, and John BETZ, United States Positioning, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board Representative, United States of America
Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) Status Update - Ivan REVNIVYKH, Roscosmos Space Corporation, Russian Federation
Status Update on the European Satellite Navigation System (GALILEO) - Christoph KAUTZ, European Commission
Update on the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System - JiaQing MA, China Satellite Navigation Office, China
Presentations by Members, Associate Members, Observers and Invited Observers on Matters of Interest to the ICG
GNSS contribution to the new ITRF - Chris RIZOS, International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Subcommittee on Geodesy - Mikael LILJE, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
Civil GPS Service Interface Committee - Russell HOLMES, Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC)
The Cyber threat impact on aviation - Bernald SMITH, Federation Aeronautique Internationale
Perspectives of GNSS applications inItaly: Rail/Road synergy as selected example - Alberto TUOZZI and Alessandro NERI, Italian Space Agency
Fostering GNSS Science,Galileo satellite metadata  - Javier VENTURA-TRAVEST and Daniel BLONSKI, European Space Agency (ESA)
Update on ICG-WG-B achievements on interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV) - Werner ENDERLE, Stefan WALLNER, European Space Agency
EUREF Activities - Markku POUTANEN, IAG Reference Frame Sub-commission for Europe (EUREF)
GNSS activities by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - Matteo PAONNI, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
GNSS: The systems providers versus the non-providers - Refaat RASHAD, Arab Institute of Navigation (AIN)
Australia's Programme on GNSS - John DAWSON, Australia
Applications and Experts Seminar
Water vapor analysis over the ocean using shipborne GNSS measurements for the mitigation of weather disaster - Yoshinori SHOJI, Meteorological Research Institute/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan
Variations of water vapor observed with a hyper-dense GNSS network - Toshitaka TSUDA, Research Organizationof Information and Systems (ROIS), Japan
Earth Remote Sensing using surface-reflected GNSS signals - Steve LOWE, JPL/Caltech, United States
Developments of GNSS buoy for a synthetic geohazards monitoring system - Teruyuki KATO, earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, Japan
How the real-time GNSS can contribute to near field tsunami early warning ? -  Yusaku OHTA, Research Centre for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan
Real-time GNSS earthquake and tsunami early warning - Gerald BAWDEN, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States
Comprehensive application of RNSS + RDSS - Gang HU, BDStar Navigation, China
Early Warning Services via GNSS signals - Frederic DOMPS, European Commission and Yasuhiko KAWAZU, Cabinet Office, Japan
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