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Note: The views expressed in the presentations and papers below are those of the authors and do not reflect the policies or views of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The presentations and papers are provided solely for informational purposes.
Session 1: State-of-the-art of GNSS Technologies | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Won Suk LEE, USA | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. Oscar PICO, CCE | |
United Nations Programme on Space Applications and Status of the Followup Projects and Initiatives since the UN/USA International Meeting of 2004
Ms. Alice LEE, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Ms. Sharafat GADIMOVA, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs |
Presentation 1
Presentation 2 |
U.S. Space-based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Policy and Programs
Mr. Jason KIM, U.S. National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing, USA |
Presentation | |
GLONASS Status and Progress
Mr. Sergey REVNIVYKH, Federal Space Agency, Russian Federation |
Presentation | |
Galileo and EGNOS Programmes' development
Mr. Gerardo DELGADO, Galileo Info Centre for Latin America |
Session 2: State-of-the-art of GNSS Technologies (continues) | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Jose MOLIN, Brazil | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. Juan Antonio CLAVIJO, Colombia | |
The United Nations and GNSS: International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Ms. Sharafat GADIMOVA, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs |
Presentation | |
Follow up activities since the 2005 International Workshop
Mr. Ivan Dario GOMEZ GUZMAN, Executive Secretary CCE |
Presentation | |
The Geosentric Reference Systems of the Americas (SIRGAS)
Mr. Claudio BRUNINI, Plata National University, Argentina |
Presentation | |
Mobile Communication systems for localization applicationsopment
Mr. Andres HENAO, SIMS TECH / Inmarsat / Iridium |
Presentation | |
Session 3: International Experiences of the use and implementation of GNSS technologies | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Claudio BRUNINI, Argentina | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. William MARTIMEZ, Colombia | |
Precision agriculture - methods and applications
Mr. Won Suk LEE, Agricultural and Biological Engineering University of Florida, USA |
Presentation | |
GNSS system and LIDAR sensors integration
Presentation | |
SIGPA-BOYACA project and the satellite images
Mr. Roberto ZWINGGI, Andean Ecosystems Foundation ECOAN, Switzerland |
Presentation | |
Session 4: Regional Experiences of the uses and implementation of GNSS technologies | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Jorge IZAURRALDE, Argentina | |
Rapporteur: | Ms. Vicky GUERRERO, Colombia | |
SBAS type ionospheric correction and integrity assessment experiment in the Central and South American region
Mr. Claudio BRUNINI, Plata National University, Argentina |
Presentation | |
Experiences of precision agriculture with the use of GNSS for savings and yield improvements on tropical agriculture
Mr. Jose MOLIN, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Presentation | |
GPS Applications for Geodynamic and Meteorological Studies
Mr. Hector MORA, Ingeominas, Colombia |
Presentation | |
Water Evaluation and Planning System for Water Resources Planning
Mr. Jeffrey Raul RIVERA ALVAREZ, Ministry of Environment and National Resources, Guatemala |
Presentation | |
Session 5: Regional Experiences of the uses and implementation of GNSS Technologies (continues) | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Paul ACQUATELLA, Venezuela | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. Jaime DIAZ, Colombia | |
Some applications of GPS in Cuba
Ms. Lourdes Barbara PALACIO-SUAREZ, IGA, Cuba |
Presentation | |
Modernization and New Services of the Brazilian Active Control Network
Ms. Sonia Maria ALVES COSTA, IBGE, Brazil |
Presentation | |
GIS and Remote Sensing a Tool in Public Health. Dengue Outbreak in Puerto Inirida 2008
Ms. Diana ROJAS, Instituto Nacional de Salud |
Presentation | |
Session 6: GNSS applications and case studies | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Raphael C. STEPHEN, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines | |
Rapporteur: | Ms. Diana Patricia ROJAS, Colombia | |
An example of Gulich Institute applications on health: identification of priority areas for vector control activities of Chagas disease in Argentina
Ms. Ximena Porcase Gomez, CONAE, Argentina |
Presentation 1 | |
Time-space characterization of the presence of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) and its vector
Aceria tosichella in Argentina
Mr. Jorge IZAURRALDE, CONAE, Argentina |
Presentation | |
NTRIP Fundamental Tool for Cartography and Cadastral Works
Mr. Marquez ANTONIO, Scientific and Industrial Measurement, Venezuela |
Presentation | |
Session 7: GNSS applications and case studies (continues) | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Jeffrey Raul RIVERA ALVAREZ, Guatemala | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. Alvaro MARTINEZ, Colombia | |
CAR/SAM Regional Programme for Satellite-based air navigation/SACCSA Project/Technical cooperation of the OACI
Mr. Aldo MARTINEZ, OACI TCB, Montreal-Lima |
Presentation | |
Inland Waterway - Magdalena River
Mr. Horacio ARROYAVE, Colombia |
Presentation | |
Phase I: Satellite Research Activities in Colombia. Project Definition
Mr. Ricardo Lozano, IDEAM, Colombia |
Presentation | |
National Active Geodetic Network, Operation, Products and Benefits
Mr. Guido Alejandro GONZALEZ FRANCO, INEGI, Mexico |
Presentation | |
Session 8: Education and training on GNSS/ Regulations/ International Cooperation/ Knowledge Management | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Jeffrey Raul RIVERA ALVAREZ, Guatemala | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. Alvaro MARTINEZ, Colombia | |
GNSS Knowledge Map
Mr. Marco A. DUENAS, PNCB, Colombia |
Presentation | |
United Nations Affiliated Regional Centres for Space and Technology Education and ICG Information Centres
Ms. Sharafat GADIMOVA, UN OOSA |
Presentation | |
CRECTEALC-Campus Mexico: perspectives on research and education on GNSS
Presentation | |
Educational issues in GNSS
Ms. Lilia Patricia ARIAS DUARTE, Jefe Oficina Centro de Investigación en Información Geográfica - CIAFIGAC, Colombia |
Presentation | |
Activities in Aerospatiale Medicine in Colombia
CR. Lina SANCHEZ (FAC), Directora Centro de Medicina de Aviación, Colombia |
Presentation | |
Session 9: Education and training on GNSS/ Regulations/ International Cooperation/ Knowledge Management (continues) | ||
Chairperson: | Mr. Giullermo Enrique MONCADA OSORIO, Honduras | |
Rapporteur: | Mr. Ivan LUNA, Colombia | |
Hands on space with SGAC: enabling space development and education among young people in developing countries
Mr. Paul ACQUATELLA, SGAC, Venezuela |
Paper | |
Planning Surveys with GPS receiver
Mr. Paulo Cesar GURGEL DE ALBUQUERQUE, Brazil |
Presentation | |
IMSMA - Tool provided by UN by Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
Ms. Diana Marisol PEÑALOSA, PIACMA Program |
Presentation | |
Utilizacion de herramientas SIG en el marco del brote de Fiebre Amarilla en Paraguay
Ms. Mara Griselda MUNOZ DE CABRERA, Paraguay |
Paper | |
El sistema mundial de navegación por satélite GNSS en el sector aeronáutico del Ecuador
Mr. Enrique Bolivar DAVALOS, Ecuador |
Presentation | |
V Spatial Conference of Americas Activities
Mr. Edision Roberto LOZANO, Ecuador |
Presentation |