In-follow up to the series of three UN/Austria/ESA Symposiums on Small Satellite Programmes for Sustainable Development , held in Graz, Austria, from 2009 to 2011, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs will organize International Symposiums on Basic Space Technology Development in the regions that correspond to the United Nations Economic Commissions for Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Western Asia, starting in 2012.
The first Symposium in this series was held as the United Nations/Japan Nano-Satellite Symposium in Nagoya, Japan, in 2012. The second Symposium was held as the United Nations/United Arab Emirates Symposium on Basic Space Technology in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2013.
The present and third Symposium will be held as the United Nations/Mexico Symposium on Basic Space Technology in Ensenada, Baja California and will focus on the Latin America and the Caribbean region.
The Symposium will be hosted by the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE) and the Mexican Space Agency on behalf of the Government of Mexico.
The Symposium objectives will build on the outcomes of the aforementioned BSTI Symposiums held from 2009 to 2013. The relevant symposium reports, containing the objectives, symposium summaries, observations and recommendations made by participants are available from http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/psa/bsti/resources.html .
The objectives of the UN/Mexico Symposium will be to:
Available in all six languages (A/AC.105/1086)
The Symposium Programme is structured around the following technical sessions:
Symposium Programme:
Symposium Presentations:
Symposium participants should be involved in the planning or implementation of space technology development activities in international or national space agencies, governmental or non-governmental organizations, research institutions, industry, universities or other academic institutions. Participants are expected to have obtained university degrees in relevant study fields or should be enrolled in relevant studies. Professional working experience in one of the fields related to the theme of the Symposium is desirable. Applications from qualified female applicants are particularly encouraged. Invited participants will receive a formal invitation letter.
Applicants are encouraged to use the online application accessible through the link below:
Applicants unable to submit an online application should submit the attached fully completed application form and all other required documents in electronic format ( .pdf) by email to unpsa@unoosa.org:
Applicants from Mexico may also wish to refer to the following information link provided by the Mexican Space Agency:
One of the most important ports in Mexico. If you decide to discover Ensenada after your visit, you will have at your disposal a variety of exciting options. Located 68 miles to the south of the Mexico-United States border, it is the only commercial port in the State and the second largest cruise port in the country. Some of the unique experiences Ensenada has to offer are: whale watching, diving and kayaking. Ensenada is also the gateway to the Wine Route and vineyards. For further information please consult the following presentation:
Located in Ensenada with more than 550 employees, CICESE is the largest of the 27 research centres coordinated by Mexico's National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). Their main research areas are telecommunications and electronics, marine otechnology, microbiology, seismology, geology, optics, computer science, physical oceanography, marine ecology, among others. For further information on CICESE please visit www.cicese.edu.mx.
Besides CICESE, the city allocates the campus of the Autonomous University of Baja California ( Universidad Autonóma de Baja California-UABC), the Institute of Astronomy and Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM).
The nearest airports to Ensenada are:
Invited international participants will be met at San Diego and Tijuana airports and transportation to Ensenada will be provided. Please ensure that you have provided us with your arrival information (airport, flight number, arrival time) if your flight is not arranged by the UN.
Participants must contact the Mexican Embassy or Consulate to find out if they require a visa for entering Mexico. If flying through the United States, a US visa will be required for entering/leaving the country.
The Mexican Institute of Immigration (INM) has created an office with the specific purpose to help people coming to Mexico for international conferences. An invitation letter is sent to Immigration to be presented by delegates at embassies and consulates all over the world. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) has published a list of the countries that require a visa to enter to Mexico. Please refer to the following websites for further information: http://www.sre.gob.mx/serviciosconsulares/images/stories/dgsc/pdf/visasordinarios.pdf and http://www.sre.gob.mx/serviciosconsulares/index.php/es/visas?layout=edit&id=94.
The Symposium organizers recommend the following hotels in Ensenada:
International participants receiving hotel accommodation per their invitation letter will be accommodated in Hotel Coral & Marina. Your booking arrangements have already been made. If you book your own accommodation please note that the local organizers have blocked rooms in the recommended hotels. To make a reservation at preferred rates please contact Mr. Jorge E. Preciado (E-mail: jprecia@cicese.mx, Tel: (+52) 1-646-212-9519).
If your time allows you to explore Ensenada and its surroundings, there have been scheduled 2 visits after the Symposium:
The space is limited for 20 people. First come first served policy. All expenses related to participation in these events are to be covered by the participants themselves.
Point of contact: ciencia.tecnologia@aem.gob.mx
Important notice for co-sponsored participants receiving air-ticket through the United Nations: In accordance with your invitation letter we will arrange a flight itinerary for you that will allow you to participate in the Symposium 20-23 October. Kindly note that if you wish to join these tours it is your responsibility to make arrangements with the local organizers through the above mail address. All cost associated with your participation in these tours will be your responsibility. For those co-sponsored participants receiving air-ticket through the United Nations wishing to participate in the optional tours we will be happy to arrange for your flight itinerary for a departure on Sunday 26 October or on another date, however, please note that in case this will result in a price increase of your ticket we may need to charge you for the extra cost. If you wish to make use of this opportunity, please kindly inform us immediately, as ticket changes cannot be made by us once your tickets have been issued.