Politecnico di Milano

StELIUM team with their drop tower capsule. Credit: Álvaro Romero-Calvo

"The UNOOSA DropTES 2019 program gave us the opportunity to study what, at the time, still was an unexplored physical phenomenon with promising space applications. Our international team, StELIUM, succeeded in developing a complex microgravity experiment and obtaining unprecedented data on the sloshing of ferrofluids in microgravity, gaining some invaluable real-life experience. As discussed in our publications, this has proven to be critical for the development of low-gravity magnetic positive positioning devices. Antonio, Francesco, Inés, Filippo, and I are extremely grateful to everyone who made this possible." - Álvaro Romero-Calvo, StELIUM team leader.


Mission e-patches awarded to Politecnico di Milano.

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Politecnico di Milano was the winner of the 6th round of DropTES opportunities in 2019.
The team proposed to analyse the lateral sloshing of a ferrofluid solution in low-gravity with the aim of measuring its oscillation frequency while subjected to different magnetic field intensities. This result can be used to validate recently developed magnetic sloshing models, which would prepare the path for the design of magnetic sloshing dampers and other liquid management devices in reduced gravity environment.

About DropTES







StELIUM team celebrating a great drop tower campaign!


StELIUM team and ZARM/UNOOSA before the second launch


Taking a look inside ZARM's drop tower


Working on the capsule


Fred Oetken and Jan Siemer working on the integration of StELIUM


At the top of ZARM's drop tower with Ajami Kojima, UNOOSA project officer!


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