National Space Law


The present collection of laws and regulations, relating to the exploration and use of outer space, is based on submissions made by States. The texts are reproduced in the form and in the language(s) in which they were received from the States and were not formally edited and/or translated by the United Nations.

Disclaimer: Reference to the external websites below does not imply endorsement by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) of their contents. Any views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of UNOOSA. The hyperlinks are provided solely for informational purposes.

In 2022, UNOOSA launched  a new platform, called  Accessing Space Treaty Resources Online (ASTRO) , which serves as a database of national space laws, policies, and regulations of State members of COPUOS. This database is based on submissions made by States. The texts in the ASTRO database are reproduced in the form and in the language(s) in which they were received from States, and were not formally edited and/or translated by the United Nations.


  • National Decree No. 995/91, Creation of the National Commission on Space Activities (28 May 1991)
  • Law No. 17.989: Approve the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies" and the " Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space" by the Organization of the United Nations (UN) signed by the Republic of Argentina
  • Law No 23.335: Approves the "Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects" by the United Nations (UN) signed by the Argentine Republic
  • Law No. 24.158 Approves the "Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space" by the United Nations (UN) signed by the Argentine Republic
  • Decree PEN No. 125/1995: Creates the "National Registry of Objects Launched into Outer Space" under the Authority of the National Commission of Space Activities (CONAE)
  • Law No. 26.092: "Creates the Argentine Company of Satellite Solutions Sociedad Anonima AR-SAT. Social Statute. Grant said company the authorization to use the orbital position 81° West Longitude and its associated frequency bands
  • Law No. 26.306: "Regime of the Registry of Cultural Heritage on Meteorites and other celestial bodies that are on or enter in the future the Argentine territory, its airspace and jurisdictional waters"
  • Law No. 27.208 "Declares the development of the satellite industry as a state policy and a national priority regarding geostationary telecommunications satellites, and approved the Argentine Geostationary Satellite Plan 2015-2035 to be executed by the company AR-SAT"
  • Law No. 27.078: "Argentina Digital. Information Technology and communications"
  • DNU Decree No. 267/2015: "Creates the National Communications Entity (ENACOM)", authority on communications that grants the radiofrequency licences"
  • PEN Decree No. 2076/94: First National Space Plan that declares space activity as an area of scientific-technological activity and as a national priority, and CONAE's strategical plan
  • PEN Decree No. 1330/99 Modifies PEN Decree No. 2076/94 and Establishes the National Space Plan 1997-2008, as well as that the actions provided for in it have the character of Strategic Plan of the National Commission for Space Activities
  • PEN Decree No. 532/05 Declares the development of space activity as a State policy and a national priority. It establishes that this plan and the actions planned for said period have the character of Strategic Plan of the National Commission for Space Activities.



  • Law No. HO-152-N on Space-related Activities of the Republic of Armenia
  • Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On the Rules and Conditions of Licensing of Space Activities and the Approval of the License Form (Ref. N 1984-N) 
  • Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On Defining the Rules for Registration of Space Technology and Objects
  • Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On Establishing the Rules of Obtaining Agreement from the Authorised Body for the Alienation by the Operator of the Space Objects and(or) Equipment in favour of Another Operator
  • Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia On Defining the Rules for the Use of Decommissioned State Owned Space Technology and Objects



  • Space Activities Act 1998 (No. 123, 1998) (as amended, taking into account amendments up to Act No. 8 of 2010)
  • Space Activities Regulations 2001
  • Space (Launches and Returns) Act 2018
  • Space (Launches and Returns) (General) Rules 2019
  • Space (Launches and Returns) (Insurance) Rules 2019
  • Space (Launches and Returns) (High Power Rocket) Rules 2019
  • Flight Safety Code
  • Maximum Probable Loss Methodology
  • Australian Civil Space Strategy 



  • Authorization of Space Activities and the Establishment of a National Space Registry (Austrian Outer Space Act)
  • Regulation of the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology in Implementation of the Federal Law on the Authorisation of Space Activities and the Establishment of a National Space Registry (Outer Space Regulation)



  • Law #603-IVQ of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 19 April 2013 On the Accession to the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies"
  • Decree #1326 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 27 April 2021 on the establishment of the "Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos)"
  • The Charter of "Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azercosmos)", adopted by decision #54 of the Cabinet of the Ministries of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 26 February 2022
  • Law #289-IIQ of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 2 April 2002 On Accession to the "Convention establishing the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization "EUTELSAT" (with amendments)
  • Law #660-IIQ of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 21 May 2004 On Accession to the "Agreement on the Establishment of the "INTERSPUTNIK" International System and Organization of Space Communications"
  • Order #443 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 17 August 2009  "The State Program on Creation and Development of Space Industry in the Republic of Azerbaijan"
  • Order #696 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 15 November 2018 "The State Program for the development of the satellite Earth observation services in the Republic of Azerbaijan"



  • Decree 609 of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 22 December 2004.



  • Law on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operations or Guidance of Space Objects
  • Royal Decree implementing certain provisions of the Law of 17 September 2005 on the activities of launching, flight operations and guidance of space objects form the legal basis for the regulation of space activities.



  • Law No. 8.854 of 10 February 1994, Law Establishing the Brazilian Space Agency
  • Decree 1.953 of 10 July, 1996 Creating the National System for the Development of Space Agencies
  • Law No. 9994 of 24 July, 2000
  • Resolution No. 51 of 26 January, 2001 on Commercial Launch Activities from the Brazilian Territory
    • [ li nk unavailable]
  • Administrative Edict No. 27 of 20 June, 2001
  • Administrative Edict No. 5 of 21 February, 2002
  • Administrative Edict No. 96 of 30 November, 2011
  • Administrative Edict No. 182 of 28 May, 2020



  • Canadian Space Agency Act
  • Canadian Aviation Regulations: sections 602.43 and 602.44
  • Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (S.C. 1999, c. 35)
  • Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (S.C. 2005, c. 45)
  • Remote Sensing Space Systems Regulations (SOR/2007-66)
  • Radiocommunication Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-2)



  • Supreme Decree No. 338: Establishment of a Presidential Advisory Committee known as the Chilean Space Agency



  • China's Space Activities (White Paper of 2016)



  • Decree 2442 of 18 July 2006 on the Creation of the Colombian Commission of Space (CCE)


Costa Rica

  • Law No. 9770 on the Creation of the Registry of Spatial Objects
  • Law No. 9960 on the creation of the Costa Rican Space Agency



  • The Danish Outer Space Act (act no.409 of 11 May 2016)
  • The Danish Executive Order on requirements in connection with approval of activities in outer space, etc.  
  • The Danish Outer Space Act - scope of application 
  • Denmark's National Space Strategy



  • Executive Decree No. 1246 on the Creation of the Ecuadorian Space Institute



  • Act on Space Activities (63/2018)
  • Decree of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on Space Activities (74/2018)
  • The National Space Strategy (Finland 2025)
  • The Government Decree on the Finnish Space Committee (739/2019)



  • Law No. 61-1382, 20 December 1961 Statute of the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
    • French version (external link) [ link verified 17 December 2021 ]
  • Decree 62-153, Regulations Relating to the CNES
    • French version (external link) [ link verified 17 December 2021 ]
  • French Space Operations Act, No. 2008-518 (2008)
    • French version (external link) [ link verified 17 December 2021 ]
  • Decree No. 2009-643 of June 9, 2009 (Relating to the authorizations issued in application of law No. 2008-518 of June 3, 2008 relating to space operations)
    • French version (external link) [ link verified 27 November 2021 ]
  • Decree No. 2009-644 of  9 June 2009, modifying Decree No. 84-510 of 28 June 1984, relating to CNES
    • French version (external link) [ link verified 27 November 2021 ]
  • Decree No. 2009-640 of 9 June 2009 (Implementing the provisions provided for in Title VII of Law No. 2008-518 of June 3, 2008 relating to space operations)
  • Decree No. 2009-1657 of 24 December 2009 relating to the Defense and National Security Council and the General Secretariat for Defense and National Security
  • Order of 3 September 2019 on the creation and organization of the space command







  • Law No. 23, 25 January 1983: Norms for the implementation of the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects signed in London, Moscow and Washington on 29 March 1972 (Official Gazette, General Series, No. 35, 5 February 1983)
  • Law No. 153, 12 July 2005: Accession of the Italian Republic to the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (New York, 14 January 1975) and its implementation (Official Gazette, General Series, No. 177, 1 August 2005)
  • Law Decree No. 128, 4 June 2003, Reorganisation of the Italian Space Agency (A.S.I.)
  • Law No. 7, 11 January 2018: Measures for the coordination of space and aerospace policy and provisions concerning the organisation and operation of the Italian Space Agency (18G00025) (Official Gazette, General Series, No. 34, 10 February 2018)



  • Law No. 161 of 2002 Concerning Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 
  • Basic Space Law
  • Act concerning Launch and Control of Satellites
  • Enforcement Order of the Act concerning the Launch and Control of Satellites
  • Regulation for Enforcement of the Act concerning the Launch and Control of Satellites
  • Act concerning Adequate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data
  • Enforcement Order of the Act concerning Ensuring Adequate Handing of Satellite Remote Sensing Data
  • Regulation for Enforcement of the Act concerning Ensuring Adequate Handing of Satellites Remote Sensing Data
  • Act on Securing Proper Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Records (Remote Sensing Records Act, Act No. 77 of 2016)
  • Act on Launching Artificial Satellites and Managing Satellites (Satellite Act, Act No. 76 of 2016)



  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Space Activities (No.528-IV of 6 January 2012)





  • Act from 5th October 2023 "On the Authorization of Space Activities and the Registration of Space Objects"
  • Ordinance dated 4th December 2023 "On the Authorization of Space Activities and the Registration of Space Objects"



  • Law of 27 July 1991 on Electronic Media
  • Law of July 20th 2017 on the exploration and use of space resources
  • Law of 15 December, 2020 approving the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, in New York, on 12 th November 1974
  • Law of 15th December 2020 on Space Activities and amending:
    1 ° the amended law of July 9, 1937 on the tax on insurance known as "Versicherungssteuergesetz"
    2 ° the amended law of 4 December 1967 concerning income tax
    • French version (external link) [  link verified 27 November 2021 ]



  • Rules Concerning Space Activities and the Establishment of a Registry of Space Objects (Space Activities Act)
  • Decree of 13 November 2007, containing rules with regard to a registry of information concerning space objects (Space Objects Registry Decree)
  • Order of the Minister of Economic Affairs dated 7 February 2008, no. WJZ 7119929, containing rules governing licence applications for the performance of space activities and the registration of space objects
  • Form for registration of space objects (Annex 1 by article 4 of the " Regeling aanvraag vergunning ruimtevaartactiviteiten en registratie")
  • Order of the Minister of Economic Affairs dated 16 April 2010, no. WJZ/10020347, containing amendments to rules governing licence applications for the performance of space activities and the registration of space objects
  • Decree of 19 January 2015 expanding the scope of the Space Activities Act to include the control of unguided satellites (Unguided Satellites Decree)
  • Order by the Minister of Economic Affairs of 26 June 2015, no. WJZ/15055654, amending the Space Activities Licence Application and Registration Order, in connection with changes to the application form

New Zealand

  • Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act  2017
  • Outer Space and High-Altitude Activities (Licences and Permits) Regulations 2017
  • Outer Space and High-Altitude Activities (Definition of High-Altitude Vehicle) Regulations 2017



  • National Space Research and Development Agency Act (NASRDA Act)



  • No. 38, 13 June 1969, Act on Launching Objects from Norwegian Territory into Outer Space



  • Decree-Law No. 20643 (establishing the Comision Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Aeroespacial - CONIDA)
  • Law No. 28799 "Declaring the establishment and operation of a National Centre for Satellite Imagery Operations" (Ley 28799, Que declara de interés nacional la creación, implementación y desarrollo de un Centro Nacional de Operaciones de Imágenes Satelitales)
  • Supreme Decree No. 008-2016-DE establishing the National Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space (Decreto Supremo N° 008-2016/DE que crea el Registro Nacional de Objetos Lanzados al Espacio Ultraterrestre)



  • Commonwealth Act No. 146 (1936) or the Public Service Act, as amended
  • Republic Act No. 3846 (1963), or the Radio Control Law, as  amended
  • Presidential Decree No. 576-A (1974) or Regulating the Ownership and Operation of Radio and Television Stations and for Other Purposes
  • Presidential Decree No. 930 (1976) or Simplifying Export  Procedures and Documentations
  • Executive Order No. 1016 (1985) or Withdrawing the Inspection, Commodity and Export Clearance Requirements on Philippine Export
  • 1987 Constitution, Article XII, Section 11 on congressional  franchise grants
  • M.C. No. 10-7-93 on Domestic Satellite Communications Policy, as amended
  • Republic Act No. 7844 (1994) or the Export Development Act
  • Republic Act No. 7925 ("An Act to Promote and Govern the Development of Philippine Telecommunications and the Delivery of Public Telecommunications Services")
  • Executive Order No. 467 (1998) or Providing for a National Policy on the Operation and Use of International Satellite Communications in the Country
  • M.C. No. 04-03-99 on International Satellite Communications
  • Republic Act No. 9516 (2008) or Codifying the Laws on Illegal/Unlawful Possession, Manufacture, Dealing in, Acquisition or Disposition of Firearms, Ammunition or  Explosives or Instruments Used in the Manufacture of Firearms, Ammunition or Explosives, and Imposing Stiffer Penalties for Certain Violations thereof, and for other Relevant Purposes
  • Republic Act No. 10697 (2015) or An Act Preventing the  Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Managing the Trade in Strategic Goods, the Provisions of Related Services, and for Other Purposes
  • Republic Act No. 10692 (The PAGASA Modernization Act of 2015)
  • Republic Act No. 11363: An Act Establishing the Philippine Space Development and Utilization Policy and Creating the Philippine Space Agency, and for Other Purposes (Philippine Space Act)
  • Executive Order No. 127, Series of 2021 ("Expanding the Provision of Internet Services Through Inclusive Access to Satellite Services, Amending Executive Order No. 467 (S. 1998) For the Purpose")
  • Republic Act No. 11494, "An Act Providing for COVID-19 Response and Recovery Interventions and Providing to Accelerate the Recovery and Bolster the Resiliency of the Philippine Economy, Providing Funds Therefor, and for other Purposes"
  • Implementing Guidelines of Republic Act No. 11494
  • RA 10929, "An Act Establishing the Free Internet Access Program in Public Places in the Country"
  • Rules and Regulations to Implement RA 10929
  • Republic Act No. 10697, "An Act Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Managing the Trade in Strategic Goods, the Provision of Related Services, and for other Purposes"
  • Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10697
  • Memorandum Order No. 50, s. 2020
  • Administrative Order No. 12, s. 2019
  • Administrative Order No. 16, s. 2011



  • Act of 26 September 2014 creating the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) (as amended in 2019)



  • Decree-Law no. 16/2019, of 22 January, Legal regime of access to and exercise of space activities
  • Regulation no. 697/2019, of 5 September, regulation on access to and exercise of space activities
  • Statement of Rectification no. 936/2019 of 29 November (regarding the Regulation)


Republic of Korea

  • Space Development Promotion Act
  • Space Liability Act
  • Space Debris Mitigation Recommendations for the Development and Operation of Spacecraft


Russian Federation

  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 5663-I "On Space Activities" of 20 August 1993
  • Federal Law No. 215-FZ "On the State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" of 13 July 2015
  • Federal Law No. 216-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Following the Adoption of the Federal Law on the State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" of 13 July 2015
  • The Fundamentals of the Russian Federation State Policy on the Use of the Results of Space Activities for Modernization of the Economy of the Russian Federation and Development of its Regions for the Period up to 2030 (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 14 January 2014 No. Pr-51)
  • Main Provisions of the Fundamentals of the Russian Federation State Policy in the Field of Space Activities for the Period up to 2030 and beyond" (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 19 April 2013 No. Pr-906)
  • Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 221 "On Measures to Establish the State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" of 12 May 2016
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 824 "On Measures to Establish the State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" of 19 August 2016
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 430 "Approving the Regulations of the State Space Corporation "Roscosmos" of 17 May 2016


South Africa





  • ROYAL DECREE 278/1995, dated 24th February 1995, establishing in the Kingdom of Spain of the Registry foreseen in the Convention adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 2nd November 1974




  • Act on Space Activities (1982:963)
  • Decree on Space Activities (1982:1069)




  • Decree n°84-1125 of 24 September 1984 (modified by decree n°931642 of 9 August 1993) on the creation of the National Commission of the Outer space
  • Law 88-83 of June 11 1988 forming a National Mapping and Remote Sensing Centre of Tunisia (CNCT)




  • Presidential Decree on the Establishment of Turkish Space Agency  (Türkiye Uzay Ajansı Hakkında Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi)
  • 2022-2030 National Space Programme Strategy Document



  • Decree of the President of Ukraine on the establishment of the National Space Agency of Ukraine (29 February 1992, No. 117)
  • Law of Ukraine of 15 November 1996: Ordinance of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine on Space Activity: Section I: General Provisions
  • Law of Ukraine of 15 November 1996: Ordinance of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine on Space Activity: Section II: Organization of Space Activity
  • Law of Ukraine of 15 November 1996: Ordinance of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine on Space Activity: Section III: General Requirements Imposed on Space Facilities
  • Law of Ukraine of 15 November 1996: Ordinance of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine on Space Activity: Section IV & Section V
  • Law of Ukraine of 15 November 1996: Ordinance of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine on Space Activity: Section VI & VII
  • Decree of the President of Ukraine on Regulations for the National Space Agency of Ukraine (22 July 1997, No. 665/97)
  • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Technology Safeguards Associated with Cooperation in the Field of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes and in the Development and Operation of Space Rocket and Rocket Equipment


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • Outer Space Act (United Kingdom, 1986)


United States of America

  • United States Code, Title 42 (The Public Health and Welfare), Chapter 26 (National Space Program)
  • 15 USC Chapter 82, Land Remote Sensing Policy
  • 35 USC Chapter 10, Sect. 105, Inventions in outer space
  • National Aeronautics and Space Act, (Pub. L. No. 85-568), as amended
  • Commercial Space Act, 1998
  • Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14 (Aeronautics and Space)
  • Order, FCC 04-130 Mitigation of Orbital Debris
  • 51 U.S. Code Title 51-  National and Commercial Space Programs 
  • U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness act  (codified at 51 U.S. Code)
  • 47 C.F.R. 25.160-162
  • 47 C.F.R. Parts 5, 25, and 97
  • Title 47 of the U.S.C
  • SPD - 2 Streamlining Regulations on Commercial Use of Space
  • NASA-STD-8719.14B (Process for Limiting  Orbital Debris)
  • U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation  Standard Practices
  • Licensing of Private Remote Sensing  Space Systems - 15 CFR Part 960


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