Live Session Webinars On-demand Pre-recorded Lectures On-Site events
(Update on 6 February) Registration for the new live session webinar on 4 March 2025 is OPEN.
KiboCUBE Academy is an activity under the educational component of the Access to Space for All initiative. This cooperation is between UNOOSA and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) , with the support of UNISEC Global. KiboCUBE Academy provides theoretical knowledge to develop, operate, and utilize small satellites for future KiboCUBE applicants, but also to anyone who is interested in CubeSat development. For webinars related to specific rounds of the KiboCUBE opportunity, please also check KiboCUBE webinars.
The new live session will be held on 4 March 2025, from 12:00pm - 14:00pm (CET) on the topics of 1)Subsystem for CubeSat: Communication System and 2)Introduction to CubeSat Payload Systems. See below for further information.
*as of 31 March 2023: Live Sessions held in 2021 and 2022 have been deleted. If you are interested in the topic, please see the KiboCUBE Academy On-demand Pre-recorded Lectures.
See the Questions and Answer sheet for the past live sessions here .
Date: Tuesday 4 March 2025, from 12:00pm - 14:00pm (CET)
- Lecture 1: Subsystem for CubeSat: Communication System (60 min including Q and A)
by Dr. Yoshihiro Tsuruda, Senior Assistant Professor, Teikyo University
- Lecture 2: Introduction to CubeSat Payload Systems (60 min including Q and A)
by Dr. Masahiko Yamazaki, Associate Professor, Nihon University
Lecture 1: Subsystem for CubeSat: Communication System
The tele-communication subsystem handles long-distance RF communication for satellite projects, focusing on frequency allocation, hardware design, date protocol and maintaining reliable performance. The outline of this subsystem will be shown in this lecture.
Lecture 2: Introduction to CubeSat Payload Systems
CubeSat payloads are central to missions, conducting task like earth observation, communication and environmental measurement and must meet design and operational requirement. This lecture will show what is payloads.
here for registration.
Registration deadline: 2 March 2025 (JST)
here for the video
- Systems Engineering for Micro/nano/pico- satellites by Dr. Shinichi Nakasuka, University of Tokyo (UNISEC) (
pdf and
video 4:49-1:09:15 )
- Q&A (
video 1:09:46- )
here for the video
- CubeSat Technologies by Dr. Toshinori Kuwahara,Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC) (
pdf and
video 6:53-48:56 )
- CubeSat Launch and Operation by Dr. Yuji Sakamoto, Hokkaido Univ. (UNISEC) (
pdf and
video 49:37-1:34:00 )
here for the video
- CubeSat Mission Assurance/ Q and A by Dr. Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology (UNISEC) (
pdf and
video 3:23-1:08:19 )
- Satellite Facility Tour of Kyutech/Q and A by Dr. Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology (UNISEC) (
pdf and
video 1:14:43-1:49:06 )
here for the video
- Attitude Control Systems/ Q and A by Dr. Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC) (
pdf and
video 5:35-1:00:26 )
- Radio Link Margin Assesment by Dr. Yuji Sakamoto, Hokkaido Univ. (UNISEC)(
pdf and
video 1:01:22- )
Season 2
Questions and Answers Sheet for all 3 sessions can be found
Session #1: 4 November 2021
- Introduction to the Access to Space for All Initiative (UNOOSA) (
pdf )
- CubeSat Technologies by Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump tp Lecture 7
- System Integration of CubeSats by Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 19
Session #2: 18 November 2021
- Introduction to UNISEC Global (UNISEC) (
pdf )
- Launch and Operation of CubeSats by Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 17
- CubeSat Operations by Yuji Sakamoto, Hokkaido Univ. (UNISEC)
Session #3: 2 December 2021
- Introduction of CubeSat Projects "BIRDS" by Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 2
- Online Tour of CubeSat Environmental Test Facility at Kyutech by Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology (UNISEC)
Season 1
Session #1: 14 January 2021
- Introduction of KiboCUBE Academy by Yasuko Shibano, JAXA (
pdf )
- CubeSats Change the World by Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 1
- Introduction to CubeSat Technologies by Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump tp Lecture 7
Session #2: 21 January 2021
- Overview of Satellite Development Process by Shinichi Nakasuka, Tokyo Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 3
- How to Make Your Satellite Survive in Space by Shinichi Nakasuka, Tokyo Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 4
Session #3: 28 January 2021
- Introduction to Satellite Testing by Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 15
- CubeSats for Capacity Building by Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 2
Session #4: 4 February 2021
- Satellite Operation and Related Regulations by Toshinori Kuwahara, Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 17
*Lectures #1-15 were uploaded in December 2021 and #16-21 in August 2022.
Overview of the KiboCUBE Academy On-Site Workshop at Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Eligibility: university students and those who hold a bachelor's degree or higher in developing economies and economies in transition
Registration has been closed. See the information
- Opening Remarks by Mr. Luc St-Pierre, UNOOSA
- Keynote: Is building a CubeSat a good way for a country to get started in space? by Dr. George Maeda (
pdf )
- Overview of KiboCUBE by Ms. Hazuki Mori, UNOOSA (
pdf )
- Deployment Service for CubeSat from ISS by Mr. Tatsuhito Fujita, JAXA (
pdf )
- CubeSat Technologies by Dr. Toshinori Kuwahara,Tohoku Univ. (UNISEC)
jump to Lecture 1
- CubeSat Launch and Operation by Dr. Yuji Sakamoto, Hokkaido Univ. (UNISEC)